YouTube to MP3 – YTMP3

Ever wanted to download your favourite Videos on YouTube to MP3 for offline listening or viewing? Well, you’re in luck because I’ve got just the thing for you – YTMP3!

You know how YouTube is the go-to platform for all kinds of videos, but it doesn’t let you download them for free? Yeah, it’s a bummer. However, with YTMP3, you can easily convert those videos into MP3 (audio) or MP4 (video) files without sweat. And the best part? It works seamlessly on your desktop, tablet, or mobile device – no need to download extra software or apps.

How can you download YouTube to MP3?

Step 1: Go to and find the video you want to download. 

Step 2: Click on the video and let it start playing. Once it’s playing, copy the video URL from the top of your browser. 

Step 3: Now, head to YTMP3 and paste that URL into the converter. You can choose whether to download it as an MP3 or MP4 file. If you’re unsure, don’t worry – it’ll automatically be converted to MP3. 

Step 4: Hit the “Convert” button and let YTMP3 do its thing. Depending on the length of the video, it might take a couple of minutes, but it’s worth it for that sweet, sweet audio quality. 

Step 5: Once the conversion is done, click the “Download” button, and you’re ready!

By the way, using YTMP3 means you agree to our Terms of Use. But don’t worry, they’re pretty standard stuff.

So go ahead, give YTMP3 a try and start enjoying your favourite YouTube content whenever and wherever you want!